Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Another day at the clinic

My daughter and I
I decided to write a blog about my journey thru cancer.    I don't say fight because this is not MY fight, this is God's fight. I must trust that God knows what he is doing and there is a great blessing at the end of this dark tunnel.

I want to share with my friends and family my daily life.   I guess with my internet presence you only see the pretty pics and think I am like that all the time. THAT IS SO FAR FROM THE TRUTH. Thank God for my prayer warriors that I call at three am, my sisters and family who help with my daughter and those who give a hug and a kind word of strength and scripture.  

My sisters Stacy, Dana, and brother in-laws Tommy, Christopher, and others, have all been up with me at night, watching my ordeal through chemo, muscle spasms(Charlie Horses), bone pain, and radiation side effects. Also, they have assisted me with my tedious juicing program, specific diet and weight gain and loss.

I GUESS I LIKE TO PUT MY BEST FOOT FORWARD when I am in public and I don't like others to see me sweat. But, my treatments and this cancer causes alot of pain. I did chemo yesterday and I have a bad metal taste in my mouth right now. I did not sleep much last night and was up very early this morning. I was hungry and I did not have much strength. Thank God I made tamales last week and put them in the freezer. I put two of them in a pot and boiled them up. Vegan tamales of course. Yummy.

Last week, I had an Iron overdose at the clinic and was throwing up violently. The nurse had to flush my IV immediately and watch me literally hug the toilet bowl and heave involuntarily. Now these are the things I don't like to share because quite frankly, I am embarrassed. This is not pretty at all. I don't want to remember those times. I want to put these times behind because another medical body response is sure to come.
I spoke with a good friend mine who told me his Dad died from cancer yesterday and he just wanted to hear my voice. He wanted to know that I was ok since I going thru a similar thing. One thing I have learned, everyone handles medical treatment differently and until you are in the hot seat yourself, you don't know what your threshold is.     Some can handle Chemo, some cannot.    Some need pain meds, some have less pain.  I hope you never find out how Chemo feels.   I don't wish this on anyone. 

Right now, I am hooked up to my daily IV and everyone is talkative around me and I have a desire for quiet. I am still getting awful hot flashes from the treatments. I have a chemically induced menopause as a result of the tamoxifen or the chemo or both. I don't even know anymore. Hold On............................................................................................................... I am having a hot flash right now. Can't type. .....................................................................................................................................................................Ok, I'm back. It lasts for about 5-10 minutes. Here comes the horrible sweat following the flash.. ...................... They initiate chest pain and an enormous surge of heat. It feels like you are in a full, one zipper,  heavy leather, catsuit, with the zipper being stuck, in the middle of July, in Alabama, standing behind a bus exhaust.

I am alone here on the other side of the country. This is hard.  I have gone to church and met some church members.  They are so kind,  but I miss my home.    I had two other girls here with me doing treatments and they are finished. They don't have to come back until their follow up in about six months. I still don't know how long my treatments are until I do more tests, and see what the deal is after 6 weeks of treatment. I miss the sister support and the Christian support from my girls. God bless them. They are back with their husbands and families. I don't have a husband, (one day I hope I get a good one.) but I have wonderful sisters and dear friends that love me and I love them.

I miss my daughter. She is with my sister in Alabama. She misses me also. She is the reason why I remain strong during this struggle. God brought her into to my life for such a time as this so I would have something to fight for. She has had to stay with my sisters or with her "Nana and Papi" often when I have to go away for treatments. They love her but I still want to be and will be her mother. She needs to get her hair re braided.

I have moved around so much i don't know where I live anymore. I have been through 4 oncologists, 2 surgeries, and 4 holistic doctors thus far. I try not be upset with such a path and not having a direct route to my healing. I am learning to trust that God knows what he is doing. This is hard because, baby, I AM TIRED, but not defeated. I am still waiting for that consistent good medical report. i have had a few good reports, but mostly not good.

I will try to blog at least once a week, when i am well enough.  I want to keep the family informed.   I don't like showing the hard times thru this journey because I live it everyday. When I am in public, people even say i look great. I am usually am in some form of pain all the time in public. I am so glad to see people and loved ones, that I smile thru pain. Also, i know that I am back in treatment when the weekend is over and don't want to think about cancer for a moment, an hour, a day.

Pray for me today, right now.

Peace, Love and God bless,
June April


  1. Just keep your head up! Know that we love you and a praying for you and your health. Glad you started a blog. These things can be really therapeutic.

  2. I love you cuz. I could only imagine the trip this journey has taken you on. I pray for you everyday. God took His time when He made you. You are special. I am here if you need to vent. This blog is a magnificent idea. Love you oodles.



  4. Funny that you started a blog. I am in the midst of preparing to start one very soon. So, we will be blog sibs, I guess. Sis. Broomes and I love being your play parents, and we do not mind sharing you with the hundreds of others. Of course, Jayda loves us as Grandma and Grandpa.Thanks for sharing. There were times when I wanted to ask how you were doing and was preparing myself for the deep down answer but hesitated. So, tell it like it is. When you want some quietude, gently ask for it. In the unlikely case that some get upset they will get over it. That is what family is for. Be prepared to be flooded with responses. That's how much we love you. More later. You are ever in our thoughts and prayers.

  5. Junie-boonie

    I love you unconditional . I hope you know that. As close as we are, I never really knew the depth of what you are going through. You do try to keep a very strong face in public and that is good. Because there are others going through similar struggles that need to know they too can put on a strong face. But to be able to release what you feel and let others see your struggle will also be strengthening for YOU and a testament to others. I am with you, thru this storm, no matter where life takes me, know I carry you and your family in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers....

    Angela Brown-Argelier

  6. June Bug! (smiling with a broken heart) you are too crazy! A cat suit in August behind bus exhaust?!?! I love that about you!!
    I woke up to this, this morning. You know my line of business so you know I see some level of this frequently. You said in your blog that people handle Chemo differently. So true, but what's more real is how people handle their journey. You have such great spirit and so much faith in God that your delivery from this is nothing less than inevitable. We may not know the day or the hour but victory will be yours.
    My mom is currently going though it and it's a tough road. She just turned 82 and she's thankful that God has blessed her with another year. Of 10 syblings, she is the last woman standing. They've all fallen to cancer, however, none of them had her spirit and her will to not just survive, but to "live" through it and beyond it. You have that same spirit, June. You have the faith of a saint, the love of a child and the fight of a warrior. I think we still have a lot of time to enjoy the beautiful music and words of June-April. It has already been written. Love you JBug, Keep your head up.

    1. thank you sweetie pie. It has been rough. I love you Walter and I appreciate your words. At the clinic right now with an IV in. spoke with the doctor. he wants me to do a CT scan.

  7. Hey Sis,
    I read your blog from start to finish. Did you mean to make me laugh? Did you mean to make me cry? Did you mean to make me remember my mom's cancer ordeal and the ordeal of watching said ordeal? Did you mean to ellicit my sympathies for all my sisters dealing with this dreadful &!$%@#...I don't have the right or appropriate word for it...

    Whether you did or didn't, that was my experience reading the blog. Thank you for sharing and being transparent. The brave front is just that, and requires more effort than is worth it- but we do it anyway. I like kids. They don't front. They wail and whine and cut up until they get over it LOL.

    I don't "follow" blogs...tho I now have one myself (hypocrite, right?), but I want to follow yours. This morning I was being taunted and tormented by what APPEARS to be "the inevitable". The Lord nailed me with, "The gates of hell will not prevail". God can alter even "The Inevitable". Hallelujah! I shall lift your hands in faith- distance means nothing. God bless. Esther Green

  8. JUNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to keep this short because I'm at work and you know I will be weeping and a wailing and a praising God for you right at my desk and these folks are NOT ready for that kind of witness!

    I love you sooooooooooooo much and I pray for you often - especially when your songs come up in the shuffle on my "old school" Ipod! COME SUNDAY is one of my FAVORITE tunes and hearing your voice takes me back to my high school days with your family. OK, I'M STARTING TO CRY!

    Continue to be strong, be a witness for others, keep faithful and loving and smiling and have hope and be encouraged! Rememeber you have the strength of HARLEM NYC in your heart and the Gardner spirit all over ya!! You are NEVER ALONE!!

    I'm shouting your victory right now!! EBC is waiting for a I'M HOME Concert - featuring the stories, stylings and praise of June April. Plus you have got to lay eyes on your nephew - ZAIR EMMANUEL JOHNSON. He will be the big 1 on June 27th.

    BIG LOVE AND HUGS to you sis!! Thank you for sharing this part of your journey with us. Press on towards the mark.... Know that others are standing with you and praying for you from afar - especially me!!

    Nikki Johnson - Your Brooklyn sister FOREVER AND EVER, AMEN!!

    1. How is your baby boye I hope well. I am finished with infusions for this day. I have to get a CT scan tomorrow. i can't eat. I am holding on and hanging on. I have no choice. Oh, yes I do. "I Choose Life".

      love you

  9. I have always had my issues with faith, God, religion, etc. Not that I don't believe...I just have some questions that I need answers to. I pray...but not as often as I probably should. Its like I save them for the things I think are really important. In some strange way, I feel like that gives them a better chance of getting answered. I say all this to say, I pray for you and I know you'll be OK.

    You have always had a strength and determination that I have remained in awe of.

    Alex Clarke

    1. Thank you. I needed to hear that. It has been rough. We hold each other up during hard times.

  10. June...my heart goes out to you. I don't see you often,yet,when I did you always looked joyful and were so bubbly. I always thought you were..."fine". It's interesting that we sometimes show happiness on the outside to keep ourselves going on the inside. Please know that I will be praying for you to find Joy that only God can give. :) Stay strong for your daughter. I am sure she loves you and misses you just as much as you miss her. Praying for God's will to be done in your life! Keep singing...it will help provide peace in the storms.

  11. this comment is from my sister, Dana (via hotmail). i wanted to share it.

    I love it . I feel like praying right now. Writing is so releasing and engaging. I am working on my workshop for Knoxville and had to check my email rare and to my surprise there you are blog and all . The best read all day. Wow, the throwing up part empathy there

    I feel like I need to be there. I hate that you are there alone w/o me at the least. Plus I missed checking in w/ you last night and this is refreshing how well you can write about your challenge( sounds like a rdg teacher/wkshop sorry)June I am so proud of you and your perspective on this cancer we are going through you physically and me emotionally as my heart wants to break but is held together by your strength and the love of God. I hope you write sooner than a week.

    Thank You,
    Dana Stuckey, PhD

  12. (this is a comment from hotmail) i wanted to share.

    I am praying daily and Mountainside church family is praying as well, we love you. Praying for Gods healing hands for you.

    Eddie Brown

  13. i love you, June. you are in my prayers and thoughts more than you know. j-ski is such a blessed lil thing to have a champion mami like you. bless God for this journey, and where HE is leading you to. and thank you for chronicling this journey. it's your story and legacy. love, mai

  14. from DONNA(via hotmail) autoforward

    A diagnosis doesn’t have to be the end. Everything happens for a reason. Whatever season you’re in with this disease, please know that my heart goes out to you. My prayer is that a cure will be found to stave off this disease once and for all. But until it is discovered, take heart that someone out there loves you and is praying on your behalf. May God bless you and your family as you navigate the rough waters of a cancer diagnosis. I love you. Take care. I spoke to my grand

    Baby and she sound so grown. I ask her what she needed and she said pancakes, waffles and She wanted to speak to poppy.

  15. I came across this blog from another friends Facebook page. I am a member of Kingsboro SDA in BK and I remember you complementing me after I sung my first choir solo. It was so sweet of you.
    My heart broke as I read your post and if I'm honest, it's the most effective reminder that I have nothing to complain about!! I've had my share of heartbreak but the thought of not having my health.....
    I have a wonderful prayer partner. She and I will be praying for you daily. God bless you and your family.

  16. I recall meeting you many years ago at Sounds of Brazil in NYC (S.O.B.s). You have such a beautiful kind spirit and of course amazing talent. Thank you for courageously sharing your story publicly. I will keep you in my thoughts...know that I care. Anthony Dixon

  17. Happy Birthday, June! Enjoy your day. Celebrate YOU!
