Friday, May 11, 2012

Planet rock, Planet's the sure SHOT!

Planet rock,  Planet's the sure SHOT!

I am usually at the clinic about 8am.  When you do chemo,  they want you to arrive early,  so the nurses can get home at a decent time of the day.  I have a minimum of 4 drips (IV's) a day.  It could be a slow drip or a fast one.  Depending on that,  we could literally be there at least 5 hours or more. All day.   If have pain,  they can give you a drip for that too. 

Again more Time.  

Then here comes........DON. DON, DON,DON, DON.......  THE NEEDLES.  The SHOTS.

Growing up in church,  I never got my ears pierced.  Seventh Day Adventists girls don't get their ears pierced at birth.   These days many SDA girls get their ears pierced when they are adults.   Times have changed. 

As a kid,  I would put tape on my ears and pretend they were earrings and as a teenager attempted the pain and agony of clip ons.   It is as if the clip-on was trying to pierce your ear itself.

 Do you remember the stories of somebody's momma or grandma  putting ice on their daughter's ears,  make them numb, and then sticking a needle in their ear, to pierce them, and then putting a string thru your ear, so the hole would not close up.   I remember seeing girls with white string in their ears while jumping double dutch in the park.  I never knew why.  I thought they didn't have earring yet.

Well,  those stories made me cringe.   The thought of being pierced voluntarily was out of the question for me.  What am i?, in some kind of medieval war or something?  I know that's a little much but I said it.    Some tribal ritual?   It just wasn't for me.

Everyone says "June it's not that bad" getting your ears pierced.   But, I was not willing to do it.  now I am told that they have gun piercing and it is way easier.   But I don't like the word "Gun" and "Piercing".  I''m good.

Okay I'm back....I DO NOT LIKE NEEDLES. I DON'T LIKE SHOTS.  I mean who does.  but,  I have high anxiety if i know I am getting a needle from the night before.   I have learned that drawing blood does not hurt as much.  But an injection hurts.  Not the stab, but the hot sauce they put in you arms can BURN BABY BURN (disco inferno) hee, hee.

I give the nurses much drama.  I request that only one nurse give me the needle.   Her name is Dee.   She is a southern young white lady, burnette, tasteful makeup, and a smile, and always a kind word.  Love you Dee.  The other nurses tolerate me and have bedside manner but I don't have a desire to read their mind at the those moments.

The B12 shot in the booty REALLY HURTS! AUGH!  Okay here's the routine,

First you have to go in the back,  because you have to get exposed.

Secondly,  you really hoped you remember to put extra lotion on your booty so the nurses don't see your ASHY DERRIERE. 

YOU LAY ON your stomach and feel totally out of control.  I ask that I never see the needle laid out, staring at me, threatening me,  showing me that is has the power.   I am not good.  I am shaky.  The nurse usually gives me the look of "you for real" for a second and then shifts into the rehearsed bed side manner "smile".

Okay,  here comes the cool alcohol rub on the cleared booty area.  I always imagine that the alcohol has to make a clearing through the ashyness, (is that a word),   Looking like a clearing of a snow dusted field.  Hilarious.

Now,  the nice nurse will say "Take a deep breathe"  1, 2,3.  JAB.   Augh! But it's in.

Now here come the slow hot sauce.   Owwwwww! Owwwww! "Is it all in" "not yet"  Aughh!!!.  it burns!  "almost done"   "stay still, June"   "stay still"   I don't wanna stay still!   I always cry.  ALWAYS.

All done" (smiles the nurse) then dumps the needle in the safe waste box in the room and dumps all the loose packaging stuff on the tray in the trash and leaves the room.. 

All alone now,  you can cover your exposed area.  i wipe my tears.  Now,  my booty is so sore.  I have to sit down for awhile to adjust to this assault.   Hmmm.   Hmmm.  recover, recover.

After this shot, I'll usually cheer myself up with a vegan taco.(no cheese)

I have to prepare my mind for another shot tomorrow.   Help!


  1. :( I hate shots too!! Those nurses just don't understand or atleast they do any excellent job pretending not to understand. I hate the sacrasm of their gentle tone and their forced patience. It hurts and if they had some topical numbing solution mixed in with that alcohol, I'd be a little less fidgety.. Baah

  2. Junie you are as funny as ever! I feel some kind of way laughing at are always in my heart on my mind and in my prayers. Love ya and hang in there ashy! Lol!

  3. June, you brought back sweet memories with the white string! There was an older man in my neighborhood who used ice and a hot threading needle, but my mom would not let me do it. But I got it done as an adult with the
    I am so loving your blog, keep it up as I see a future book coming out of this. So from the book of EWF, Keep Your Head To The Sky My Sister!!!
