Tuesday, May 15, 2012

For better, for worse, Post #3, another day at the clinic

There is the sweetest married couple here.   They are young.  Got married right out of college.  Married at twenty something years old.   Cute couple.  Unfortunely, the husband is dealing with stomach cancer.  Don't quote me but it's not the stomach organ.  It's in the abdomianl cavity somewhere.

He is 37 years young.  He just celebrated a birthday while I was here and they asked me to sing happy birthday while someone else carried a few balloons in. 

As a result of his condition,  he cannot eat.  He has a tube through his nose I think. He gets nutrients through another source other than his mouth.   Really rough.

His wife is extremely pleasant and is with him all the way.   I have never in my life seen such commitment and love.   She asks all the questions to the doctor.  Knows his medication schedule.  Meets his every need.  I crochet while in treatment,  so often times I am quiet and I can hear the conversations. By the way,  i have made some cuuuute hats.

I am here by myself and i am in awe of that support and deep unconditional love.  For better or for worse.   They don't know this but,  I pray for them everytime i see them.    i wish there was something I could do for them.   

Sometimes you think you have it rough but there are people would be glad to walk in your shoes exactly as they are.   God still has him in the palm of his hands, but how many of you could endure this and still keep your head up.

Pray for others, and help while you can and count your blessings.   Pray for this couple now.  God knows who you are talking about.

I just found out yesterday that he died.   It was a shock to me.   I have been praying for his recovery, but he died.  I am saddened deeply by the news.   Please send an encouraging comment.  
Peace, Love and God bless,

june april


  1. Truth is purity. Although, this might sound like a cliche...You are not alone. My bald head might need one of those cuuuute hats you are so dilligently crocheting !!

    Peace, Grace and Love

  2. So sweet thank you. Give me your address. i will mail one to you. thanks.

  3. From Facebook,

    Dearest June, I am sadden at the news that this young man passed away, but I am happy that his season of pain has ended. I pray for his dear wife and family that they will in time see the glory of God in his ordeal. June there is a promise in the bible, I can't remember the passage but it says I will live and not die and see the salvation of the Lord. I want you to repeat this promise and hang in there. I know you are by yourself and that is so hard, but I believe God wants you to see him and by being by yourself you are better able to touch the hem of his Garment. My prayers will be Constant for you and with all my heart I share in your disconfort and I pray for your delivery. I love you and I miss you and I am there for you if you need to talk. Love Ms. O

  4. Love you June! We are all praying for you as well. Sending much love to you ALWAYS!!! Hang in there girl!
